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Результаты поиска по запросу: P3 P


  1. P3P — Википедия


  2. P3P: The Platform for Privacy Preferences

    What is P3P? The Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) enables Websites to express their privacy practices in a standard format that can be retrieved automatically and interpreted easily by user agents.


  3. P3P - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  4. P3P

    P3P is designed to give users a more precise control of the kind of information that they allow to release. According to the W3C the main goal of P3P “is to increase user trust and confidence in the Web through technical empowerment.”[1].


  5. Медиаплеер Samsung YP-P3

    Так уж получилось, что полномасштабного обзора модели P2 на страницах iXBT не выходило. И так уж получилось, что в мои руки практически одновременно попали два девайса, P2 и P3.


  6. HP - Использование технологии P3P

    Программа преимущественного права на защиту личной информации (P3P) — это новая технология обеспечения конфиденциальности информации, разработанная Консорциумом W3C.


  7. http://www.xoc.net/works/p3p/

    These files must be created using the syntax given in the p3p specification. The p3p specification is overly complex in my opinion, taking into account the most horrendously complex privacy policy that you can imagine.


  8. Home - p3ptoolbox.org


  9. P3P: Pretty Poor Privacy? By Karen Coyle

    The stated problem that P3P is designed to solved is that there is a trust problem on the World Wide Web. This is something we can all probably agree on, but we might not agree on the nature of that problem. The authors of the P3P protocol state that...


  10. Privacy in Internet Explorer (Windows)

    Using XML, P3P provides a common syntax and transport mechanism that enables Web sites to communicate their privacy practices to Internet Explorer (or any other user agent).


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